Legal Notice / Impressum



Information Pursuant to Sec. 5 German Telemedia Act (TMG)


Rüdinger Spedition GmbH
Uferweg 12
74238 Krautheim


Commercial Register: HRB 590409

Registration court: Amtsgericht Stuttgart


Represented by:

Helmut Rüdinger

Roland Rüdinger

Dennis Kost





Phone: 0 62 94 / 908-0
Telefax: 0 62 94 / 92 39
E-Mail: info (at)




VAT Id number according to Sec. 27 a German Value Added Tax Act:
DE 811 252 662



Information Regarding Professional Liability Insurance


Name and residence of insurer:
SV Sparkassen Versicherung
Postfach 3120
65021 Wiesbaden


Scope of insurance:




Person Responsible for Editorial


Roland Rüdinger
Uferweg 12
74238 Krautheim



EU Dispute Resolution


The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR):

Our e-mail address can be found above in the site notice.



Dispute Resolution Proceedings in Front of a Consumer Arbitration Board


We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings in front of a consumer arbitration board. 



Rüdinger Spedition GmbH


Uferweg 12

74238 Krautheim


Phone: +49 62 94 / 908-0



Attendorn Branch


Askay 21

57439 Attendorn


Phone: +49 27 22 / 6 57 36-0



Our Office in Hamburg


An den Birken 20

21266 Jesteburg


Phone: +49 41 81 / 23 23-320



Druckversion | Sitemap
Die Rüdinger Spedition - Von der Kurierfahrt bis zum Maschinentransport