Rüdinger Freight Forwarder – The Transportation Professional from Hohenlohe, Germany



Not All Tran​sportation Is the Same!


The various goods and commodities of our customers have special requirements for which we offer the appropriate transport solution. No matter if single pallets in groupage or XXL machines and plants as special transport – we are looking forward to your request.

Machine Transport / XXL Machine Transport,
and Plant Construction Logistics


General Cargo / Groupage Freight

Rüdinger Spedition GmbH


Uferweg 12

74238 Krautheim


Phone: +49 62 94 / 908-0



Attendorn Branch


Askay 21

57439 Attendorn


Phone: +49 27 22 / 6 57 36-0



Our Office in Hamburg


An den Birken 20

21266 Jesteburg


Phone: +49 41 81 / 23 23-320



Druckversion | Sitemap
Die Rüdinger Spedition - Von der Kurierfahrt bis zum Maschinentransport